Hexprog II is available
We are happy to inform you that Hexprog II is available now
You can check this link for more information about Hexprog II
Chip tuning, Ecu cloning and other programming tasks require a high-performance tool in both hardware and software.
Hexprog programming tool was designed on this philosophy, we took care of every small detail when we built the hardware, and we used our vast experience to make a fast, reliable and user friendly software. The result was an amazing tool can serve the users perfectly.
Hexprog Functions

Hexprog Key Features
- Master version. One License for all protocols On bench and OBD
- Supports one of the largest Ecu/Tcu list in Cars and Trucks for Ecu cloning and Chip Tuning, check Hexprog Ecu List
- Supports both old and latest Ecus/Tcus from Bosch, Continental, Delphi, Marelli, Denso, Temic, TRW and Valeo.
- Reads all BMW long ISN from BMW DME and DDE including MD1 and MG1 in F/G series
- Supports reading/writing P-Flash, D-Flash, External Flash and External EEPROM, Auto Checksum is supported for both Flash and External Flash
- Users can request services like IMMO OFF, DPF OFF, EGR OFF, Addblue,...etc online from Hexprog website
Check Hexprog in our store.
Hexprog Portal
Hexprog users can use this portal to get support by our ticketing support system, access online services and to manage their Hexprog License
We made a demo account, you can use it to check what real users can see
- Go to Hexprog Portal Login Page
- Use hexprog.demo@microtronik.com as the user name
- Use micro^tronik as the password
Please understand that this is a demo account, you can only navigate the services!
Hexprog Accessories

Essential parts, used for Ecu Cloning and BDM functions

This cable is used for ECU and TCU Chip tuning in Hexprog

Used for Ecus have MPC55X and MPC56X Microcontrollers

Used in Boot Mode function for wide range of Ecus/Tcus

Used for EEPROM reast, read and write functions

This module is used for reading the EE contents of keys (For AutoHex Only)
On Bench Chip Tuning/Ecu Cloning
You can read and write P-Flash, D-Flash, External Flash, and external EEPROM with the option of automatically checksum correction, you will have two methods in most of Ecus:
- Factory mode: with this option you don’t have to open the Ecu cover. Just plug some wires for power and signals and you are ready to go.
- Boot mode: Opening the Ecu is mandatory to connect the boot wire on the Ecu board. This method is useful when the Ecu is not responding.
You can check Hexprog Ecu List
Check Hexprog in our store.
OBD Chip tuning
Hexprog starts supporting OBD functions in early 2021, It supports read/write the map area, (virtual read is supported too). It also includes important functions in some Ecus, like VIN Changing, Coding backup/restore and Fault codes read/erase.
Microtronik has a vast experience in all types of car Ecus flashing and coding, we deployed this experience in Hexprog to produce one of the safest programming tools by OBD.
Check Hexprog in our store.
BMW ISN reading
We took the most important part from Autohex for ISN management and we adopt it in Hexprog.
With Hexprog you can read all long ISN from any BMW Ecu including the latest Bosch MG1/MD1 Ecus starting from 2005 up to today DME/DDE.
Check Hexprog in our store.
BDM read/write
With Hexprog you are able to break the protection of immobilizers like CAS in BMW, EIZ/EIS in Mercedes Benz, BCM in Volkswagen and Porsche…etc.
We are proud that Hexprog is the only tool can read/write CAS4 without de-soldering or cutting any part from the board. The same in most of immobilizers.
Check Hexprog in our store.
Built in Editors
With Hexprog you can edit many Flash data like:
Edit CAS3+ VIN, ISN and keys
Edit CAS4, CAS4+ VIN, and ISN
Edit mileage for BMW instrument clusters
Check Hexprog in our store.
Repair BMW FRM
BMW E series has a serious problem with FEM, the data gets damaged easily.
With Hexprog you can repair the FRM 3 in one click.
Check Hexprog in our store.
Other functions
- You can reset mileage in protected EEPROMs like M35080, M35160, 080D0WQ, 160D0WQ, the process takes few seconds
- You can do key reset for many brands like Audi, BMW, MINI, Porsche, Toyota, Fiat, Renault...etc.
- Read/Write a wid range of SOP8 EEPROMs.
- Works side by side with Autohex to make keys.
Compare to Hexprog II
Hexprog is a multi functions tool, it can read/write Immo modules like CAS and BCM, it supports Keys Reset as well as EEProms reset.
However, it does not support all types of Ecus/Tcus connections like DAP, NBD, some types of JTAG,...etc
Hexprog II supports all types of protocols/connetion methods of any Ecu/Tcu, but it does not support other functions available in Hexprog.
Below table shows the major differences.
Feature | Hexprog | Hexprog II |
Microprocessor Speed | 220 MHz | 220 MHz |
USB Speed | High Speed (480 Mbps) | High Speed (480 Mbps) |
Powering Ecu/Tcu | Requires Power Module | Built In |
Ecu Connection | Require External adapaters | Built In |
OBD 24V | Not Supported | Supported |
CAS Support | Supported | Not Supported |
Key Reset | Supported | Not Supported |
Ecu List | Supports most Ecus/Tcus | Supports all Ecus/Tcus |
Warranty | 1 Year | 3 Years |