One of the exciting options inside BMW Ecu coding in Autohex II BMW software is manual coding. It allows customers to alter the parameters from individual ECU and enhance the features on the car other than the factory BMW provided.
Manual coding purpose is to let you able to modify some parameters of the Ecu, for instance: a default parameter value of the occupancy sensor in an Airbag Ecu is active, you can make it inactive.
To start Ecu manual coding function, you can select the desired Ecu from the coding list and then click on Advanced button.
The above picture shows that Autohex II BMW Software lets you choose between Auto coding and manual coding, in Auto coding, Autohex II will calculate the Ecu parameters relying on the vehicle order which is stored in the CAS, this will guarantee a correct coding that will let this ECU works perfectly in the vehicle with other Ecus.
In other words, the auto coding or Indiv coding will reset all the coding on individual ECU to the factory restored values.
Manual coding will let you choose among these parameters and do the modification, from the above picture; you note some nodes are red, and some are blue.
- The red means this is what the parameter is supposed to be (based on the car FA).
- The blue means it is not the standard (either modified of the Ecu belongs to a different car).
Manual coding helps to nullify the faults or DTCs up to some instance on the car.
As mentioned above warning lights due to the airbag fault can be easily manually coded out using AutoHex . For e.g.: Front passenger seat occupancy detector open circuit fault can be coded out from advanced coding option on ACSM (SRS airbag module) by changing the status of seat occupancy detection (SBE1)1 from enabled to not enabled. A similar real-time scenario can be found in the following video.
AutoHex II BMW makes the manual coding for E series and F series such a simple and safe that all kinds of customers can use the feature. However, some manual coding for ecus involves the risk that some intended functions may not work properly or even stop. So proper coding must be done to the car and ECU.
For the F series, the manual coding of the language will be a barrier for most of the customers because it is in German. But AutoHex II BMW added an additional option to search the coding from the manual coding menu hence saving valuable time. For example, for turning off Auto START/STOP you can do manual coding on FEM BODY using Autohex. TCM_MSA_MEMORY make it aktiv to Auto Start/Stop function to start in the last used setting (e.g., Off) when the engine is started.
All Autohex II users can use our AutoHex forum or AutoHex Facebook group in case of help in manual coding of various cars and ECUs as it may vary with the same. This will ensure the customers with tested solutions of manual coding for various car models.