Autohex II BMW Key Programming Software offers some useful functions when dealing with key management.
You can check key live status using this function, for instance is it blocked, is it working, is it in the ignition slot,...
If you want to know the key number (slot number) or to know if the key is valid, you can simply instert this key into ignition, you will see the inserted key number in the shown list. This list is auto refresh list that you can see the results instantly.
Autohex II can save Key data to be used in another car, for example: let's say we have a car (or CAS only) has 3 valid keys, while another car (CAS) has no key, using this function you can save data of one of the working keys and then you use this data file for programming the key in a different car (CAS). You can use the saved data file in Program a prepared BMW key or in Program a BMW key where no working key available.
Of course saving data of a key to be used in a different CAS, it is always better to delete key data from current CAS (after saving it), Autohex II offers such a function for users.
Users also can keep the key data in the CAS, but they can block it, and unblock it later if needed.